Building SQL
Concatenate SQL strings using the + operator.
.sql {
+"SELECT * FROM users"
+"WHERE user_id = 1"
Of course, if there is no need to concatenate, you don't have to.
.sql {
WHERE user_id = 1
fun add(sql: String)
It is an alias for +
(unaryPlus). However, since the argument is annotated with org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
, if you are using a JetBrains IDE, you will get syntax assistance.
Binding Parameters
When you want to bind parameters, use string interpolation.
val userId = "..."
.sql {
WHERE user_id = $userId
Logic such as if
and for
Just write using Kotlin syntax. There is no need to learn special syntax.
.sql {
+"SELECT * FROM users"
+"status = $status"
if (vip != null) {
+"AND vip = $vip"
Fetch Result
both have a minimal interface. In the case of kuery-client-spring-data-r2dbc
, it will be a suspend function.
(suspend) fun singleMap(): Map<String, Any?>
Receives the results as a map.
val map: Map<String, Any?> = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun singleMapOrNull(): Map<String, Any?>?
Receives the results as a map.
val map: Map<String, Any?>? = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun <T : Any> single(returnType: KClass<T>): T
Receives the results converted to the specified type.
val user: User = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun <T : Any> singleOrNull(returnType: KClass<T>): T?
Receives the results converted to the specified type.
val user: User? = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun listMap(): List<Map<String, Any?>>
Receives the results of multiple rows as a map.
val result: List<Map<String, Any?>> = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun <T : Any> list(returnType: KClass<T>): List<T>
Receives the results of multiple rows converted to the specified type.
val users: List<User> = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
only] fun flowMap(): Flow<Map<String, Any?>>
Receives the results of multiple rows as a map.
val result: Flow<Map<String, Any?>> = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
only] fun <T : Any> flow(returnType: KClass<T>): Flow<T>
Receives the results of multiple rows converted to the specified type.
val users: Flow<User> = kueyClient
.sql { +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = 1" }
(suspend) fun rowsUpdated(): Long
Contract for fetching the number of affected rows
val result: Long = kueyClient
.sql {+"INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('username1', 'email1')"}
(suspend) fun generatedValues(vararg columns: String): Map<String, Any>
Receives the values generated on the database side. For example, an auto increment value.
val result: Map<String, Any> = kueyClient
.sql {+"INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES ('username1', 'email1')"}