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Kuery Client supports Micrometer Observation.

If you want to use this feature, please specify the ObservationRegistry when creating the KueryClient.

// e.g. In the case of kuery-client-spring-data-r2dbc
val kueryClient = SpringR2dbcKueryClient.builder()

If you want to customize the metrics name or other settings, please implement and specify the ObservationConvention also.

// e.g. In the case of kuery-client-spring-data-r2dbc
val kueryClient = SpringR2dbcKueryClient.builder()

Example: spring-boot-starter-actuator & Prometheus


We won't go into detail about Spring Boot, Micrometer, and Prometheus here. The documentation is written concisely, assuming you are familiar with these.

First, add org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-actuator and io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus as dependencies.

// ...
// other dependencies
// ...

Then, write the following and register KueryClient as a Bean:

@Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
class ExampleConfiguration {
    fun kueryClient(connectionFactory: ConnectionFactory, observationRegistry: ObservationRegistry): KueryClient {
        return SpringR2dbcKueryClient.builder()

Suppose you are implementing a repository like the following.


// ...

class UserRepository(private val kueryClient: KueryClient) {
    suspend fun selectByUserId(userId: Int): User? = kueryClient
        .sql {
            +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = $userId"

With these assumptions, you can obtain Prometheus metrics as follows:

curl {host}/actuator/prometheus | grep kuery

# HELP kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds
# TYPE kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds summary
kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds_count{sql_id=""} 0
kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds_sum{sql_id=""} 0.0
# HELP kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds_max
# TYPE kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds_max gauge
kuery_client_fetches_active_seconds_max{sql_id=""} 0.0
# HELP kuery_client_fetches_seconds
# TYPE kuery_client_fetches_seconds summary
kuery_client_fetches_seconds_count{error="none",sql_id=""} 14
kuery_client_fetches_seconds_sum{error="none",sql_id=""} 0.13953154
# HELP kuery_client_fetches_seconds_max
# TYPE kuery_client_fetches_seconds_max gauge
kuery_client_fetches_seconds_max{error="none",sql_id=""} 0.026267833

Metrics are recorded along with the controller/method where the repository implementing sql_id is used.

Constraints on sql_id

There is a constraint that if you have multiple kueryClient.sql {...} calls within the same method, the same sql_id will be used. Therefore, it is recommended to implement one SQL per method in the repository.

class UserRepository(private val kueryClient: KueryClient) {
    suspend fun selectByUserId(userId: Int): UserAndDetail {
        val user: User = kueryClient
            .sql {
                +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = $userId"
        val userDetail: UserDetail = kueryClient
            .sql {
                +"SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE user_id = $userId"
        return UserAndDetail(user, userDetail)

If you absolutely need to make multiple calls in a repository method, you can avoid this by specifying the sql_id yourself.

class UserRepository(private val kueryClient: KueryClient) {
    suspend fun selectByUserId(userId: Int): UserAndDetail {
        val user: User = kueryClient
            .sql("my_sql_id_1") {
                +"SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = $userId"
        val userDetail: UserDetail = kueryClient
            .sql("my_sql_id_2") {
                +"SELECT * FROM user_details WHERE user_id = $userId"
        return UserAndDetail(user, userDetail)